Month: December 2020

New Year 5 Dimensions Resolution

  Year 2021 is knocking our doors and this new year I would say is our ‘rectification’ year. Unforgettable year 2020 was a challenging year for everyone around the globe due to Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, we should plan our resolutions ahead to make us well organize type of person. Usually resolution list is something that…
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Topik belanjawan ini masih lagi menjadi perbualan yang hangat semasa naskah ini ditulis. Pada hakikatnya, pada tahun ini 2020, hari hari yang lalui agak sukar bagi kebanyakan rakyat marhaen dan setiap perbelanjaan perlu dilakukan dengan berhati-hati. Kebiasaan bukan lagi biasa dan ketidakbiasaan sudah menjadi biasa. Namun, kita tetap akan berhadapan dengan 2021 jika umur masih…
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The Malaysia Budget 2021 topic is still becoming one of the hot topics among Malaysia. “No one is left behind”. Our Prime Minister’s statement greatly comforted us as Covid-19 pandemic continuously ravaging its third wave throughout the country, amidst the world. It enlightened how interconnected we are in this global village. Both matters applied, public…
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